You will receive an invoice from FACTS within a week after Drama Club Sign-ups close on Friday, October 25th. The funds will be withdrawn from your account within 10 business days of receiving the invoice. The date of withdrawal will be on the invoice. You will also be sent withdrawal reminders from FACTS.
I give my permission for my child to participate in the Drama Club beginning on Tuesday, November 5th. I understand that my child will be supervised by ECCS staff members and/or parents. I also understand that I am responsible for dropping off and picking up my child at school according to the schedule provided. In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in this activity, I assume responsibility for those ordinary and reasonable risks associated with extracurricular activities. I agree to hold harmless ECCS and ECPC from any and all claims arising from my child’s participation in Drama Club. In case of accident, illness, or other emergency, I grant permission for the school or its representatives to act according to the universal permission documented in FACTS school information system for my child. I agree to assume the financial responsibility for expenses incurred because of those services being provided including emergency medical transportation.
Extra-curricular activities involve certain privileges and possible risks which make cooperation, responsibility, and self-discipline of the utmost importance. Students will be considered in school while participating in extra-curricular activities. All school rules listed in the ECCS Parent Handbook and Middle School Handbook will apply during this extra-curricular activity unless stated otherwise. Any behavior that violates established handbook policies or rules by the staff member(s)/parent(s) in charge may result in disciplinary action and dismissal from Drama Club without refund.
My student will attend all scheduled rehearsals unless the teacher/parent volunteers are notified in advance of a conflict (a full schedule of rehearsals will be provided once auditions are complete).
Please read and review the 2024-2025 ECCS Extra-Curricular Policies.
Students will receive and sign a Student Behavior Agreement at the first Drama Club meeting.
Please note that you will receive an email confirmation once you complete this sign-up form and submit it. You will automatically return to the main web page after submission of the form. There will be no confirmation of registration on that screen.
Please check your email and allow a few minutes for the confirmation email before submitting the form a second time.