Teaching the Whole Child
At East Cobb Christian School, we view discipline as training. Our focus on monthly habits, along with their scriptural backing, guides our discipline strategies. We approach each child with the knowledge that we all fall short and are innately sinful. We need God's grace and leading to help us follow the class rules. Therefore, when we fall short we can remember the hope we have in Christ alone. The age and developmental stage of the child determines how this is carried out in the classroom environment. Each ECCS teacher approaches discipline with the goal of reaching the heart of the child without shame and guilt.
I AM a child of God, therefore I CAN do all things through Christ alone, I am led by His Spirit to know what I OUGHT to do, and finally I WILL choose to put forth my best effort and know that God will meet me there.
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45