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Serving K-8th~Since 1987  

Middle School Form

  • East Cobb Christian School
    Middle School Student Request for Planned Absence

    This information will be emailed to the Office Manager, Principal, and Middle School Teachers upon submission.   The Principal will notify you by email if the absence request is NOT approved. 

    School Policy for Absences:  All students are expected to attend school regularly unless presently ill, under a doctor's orders to remain at home, or involved in a parent-sanctioned absence due to a wedding, death in the family or other special event.  Even though an absence is planned, only an absence for sickness or a family emergency such as a death in the family is considered excused.  Trips should conflict with school only when other arrangements cannot be made.  Parents are responsible to see that their child completes all missed assignments.  Students who miss 20 or more days of school for any reason are subject to non-promotion.

    When the request for absence form is submitted, an email will be sent to all middle school teachers to notify them of the pending absence.  Due to the difficulty of forecasting lesson plans more than a week ahead of an absence, parents or students must contact teachers via email to request assignments no earlier than one week ahead of the absence.  Renweb should also be checked to see if plans were updated. 

    Parents are strongly discouraged from planning absences at the end of a grading period.  If the absence is planned at the end of the grading period, the student must take end of term tests prior to leaving.

    Parents and students need to be aware that:
    • Regular homework assigned during the planned absence is due when the student returns.
    • Students must arrange to get notes taken in class from another student.
    • Projects are due on the set due date.  In other words, if the student will be absent when a long term project is due, the student should turn it in before leaving.  Extenuating circumstances may allow for an exception.
    • Because service projects are important to training our students to be "the hands and feet of Jesus", students absent for service projects should perform service hours in the community to make up for the missed opportunity at school.  Absences for service projects are strongly discouraged and are unexcused absences.  A form should be turned in documenting the service hours.
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