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Serving K-8th~Since 1987  

Class Size and Schedule

We Believe in a Vibrant Home Life.

Young children need to spend most of their time at home in order to internalize family values and to learn by working, experimenting, observing, and spending time outdoors.  Our school day reflects this in the younger grades. 
Our students attend school everyday, but with a shorter day for the kindergarten through third Grade.  In fourth grade, students begin attending class for a full day everyday.  Students are given developmentally appropriate exposure to grading and assessment, ample time for outdoor free-play (even in middle school), and the blessing of an atmosphere where it is good and safe to be childlike.

Kindergarten Through Second Grade Class Schedule:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday    8:15 am until 12:15 pm
Tuesday is a full day.                                            8:15 am until 2:45 pm

Third Grade Class Schedule:

Monday and Friday                                            8:15 am until 12:15 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday              8:15 am until 2:45 pm

Fourth Grade Through Eighth Grade Class Schedule:

Monday through Friday             8:15 am until 2:45 pm